Often Partisan

Carson Yeung: Outcome of the Trial Will Not Affect Running of BIH

Carson Yeung has told assembled shareholders of Birmingham International Holdings that the outcome of his trial on five counts of money laundering will have no effect on the operations of the company at the company’s AGM in Hong Kong today.

Carson is widely reported in the Cantonese Press as saying that the company was working well at present and that his trial – which is due to have the verdict heard next month – will have no effect on the running of the firm.

Peter Pannu, who is Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director and Executive Director of Birmingham International Holdings is also reported as saying that there are still several parties interested in buying the football club although there is nothing further on this at present.

The AGM was held at the Shangri-La Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui East this afternoon. Full results of the resolutions are available here. Due to three directors being appointed between the AGM being announced and the AGM actually happening, they were forced to step down at the AGM and be reappointed afterwards.

The article will be updated as more news comes through.

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